Support and Health Services
The guidance counsellor will guide you in the following matters:
- studying and completing a degree
- study skills and motivation
- life management
- transition to working life
- opportunities for further studies
The social worker will help you with the following:
- motivation
- absences
- concentration difficulties
- bullying
- loneliness
- managing emotions
- friendships
- financial and support matters
You can contact a study psychologist when you are thinking about:
- stress and fatigue
- time use and everyday management
- motivation
- nervousness
- mood or anxiety symptoms
- study skills
- difficulties in learning or concentration
- crisis situations and sudden changes in life
- self-esteem
- future considerations
You can contact the public health nurse when you want to speak about:
- growth and development
- sleeping
- food/eating
- exercise
- mood
- health examinations
- vaccinations
The career counsellor will help you in matters related to employment:
Health services
The student health care services of the school building are organised on behalf of the Turku Welfare Division. The service is free of charge for students.
The public health nurse is responsible for daily health care appointments, vaccinations, health advice and health examinations for new students.
Students in Turku can also use a health centre in accordance with their postal district, which is free of charge for students registered in Turku by showing a student card.
Local residents can use the health centre of their municipality.
If necessary, the public health nurse and doctor will provide you with information on mental health, contraception and other services.
Students can use Savitehtaankatu 1, T-Hospital’s joint emergency services and centralised telephone advice in matters requiring urgent care in the evenings and at weekends, tel. +358 (0)2 313 8800.
Special support
You have the right to receive special support for your studies due to learning difficulties, disability, illness or some other reason. Support measures aim to support you in your studies. Special support is long-term and based on personal goals and capabilities. Special support comprises various teaching, guidance and study arrangements. Contact the special needs teacher in your school building when you have questions or need support in your studies.
Group members and tasks
There is a student well-being group in school buildings, which includes representatives of different personnel groups and students. The task of the group is to implement communal preventive student welfare, i.e. to support students in the smooth running of their studies, to maintain and promote the well-being of students and staff and to ensure a good working atmosphere. The group can plan and organise various communal events and make proposals for increasing the safety and comfort of the facilities.
School priest
The school priest is for you.
- when you want to discuss your life confidentially with someone
- when you need a priest to hold a private confirmation school, baptism, wedding or other church ceremony
- when you need information on the activities of parishes
Contact information
Atte Airaksinen, school priest
Tel. 040,341 7349