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Welcome to the study program of the Turku Vocational Institute (TAI)
At TAI, we offer two training programs and basic vocational qualifications in English:
• Basic Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services
• Basic Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services
We have an individualized learning path for every single student. The learning paths are based on the student’s skills, characteristics as well as earlier know-how and studies.
After completing your basic vocational qualification, you can also apply to universities and colleges in Finland.
Studies and applying
Rolling admission is aimed especially at upper secondary school graduates and those who are changing career direction and already have some previous studies or work experience. Applicants with upper secondary or higher-level qualifications completed abroad are also suitable for the program if their Finnish language skills are not sufficient for Finnish-language vocational education (Ravintola- ja catering alan perustutkinto, Puhtaus- ja kiinteistöpalvelualan perustutkinto).
The studies require both good English language skills and good study skills.
All eligible applicants will be interviewed.
Who can apply
Basic entrance requirements for studying Basic Vocational Qualifications:
• Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, from ages 7-16)
• Priority will be given to applicants who have the right to work in Finland. For more information: Finnish Immigration Service – Work in Finland
• Good written and oral command of the English language
• 18 years of age
• Suitability requirements: good health for vocational labor and flexibility in working hours as requested
Applicants from outside of Finland
The education is targeted at Finns, citizens of the EU and applicants possessing a residence permit in the EU/Schengen countries. If you have a residence permit in the EU, please attach it to the application.
Cook, Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services
The application period has ended.