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Code of Conduct

Code of conduct of the Turku Vocational Institute 

The purpose of the code of conduct of the Turku Vocational Institute (TAI) is to guarantee each student and employee a safe environment to learn and work. The code of conduct promotes a safe learning environment to give everyone the opportunity to work comfortably in peace, which promotes the achievement of objectives related to learning and education. 

Every student at the Turku Vocational Institute has the right to equal treatment, personal freedom, bodily integrity and privacy. The Turku Vocational Institute promotes a culturally diverse atmosphere and intercultural understanding. If necessary, the Service Area Director can issue guidelines to supplement the code of conduct. 

1. Observing the code of conduct

The code of conduct must be observed in study-related facilities, situations and events. During work placement, the code of conduct of the workplace applies primarily. 

2. General code of conduct for daily work in different situations 

2.1. Everyone at the Turku Vocational Institute observes good manners, respects fellow students and staff, moves about calmly and uses appropriate language. 

Any kind of bullying or harassment based on origin, gender, religion, age, language, belief, opinion, state of health, disability or other personal characteristics is prohibited, and so is sexual harassment.  

2.2. Everyone is responsible for maintaining the tidiness of the school area. Littering is prohibited. 

3. Studies, absences and plagiarism

3.1. Students must follow their personal competence development plan by regularly participating in teaching, guidance, demonstrations and other proofs of competence. 

Students must perform their tasks conscientiously and follow instructions. Students must bring the supplies and tools necessary for learning to lessons.

3.2. Students must notify their absences to their teacher in charge without delay. Upon request, students must submit a certificate from a physician or a public health nurse. This also applies to work placements. During work placements, absences must be reported to the teacher and the workplace instructor. 

3.3. The teacher in charge monitors each student’s progress and absences. If a student is absent repeatedly or if their studies are not progressing, the teacher in charge will direct the student to an early support meeting (VARTU) and, if necessary, further to an intensified support meeting (EDU). 

3.4. Plagiarism and cheating is prohibited. Cheating refers to acting dishonestly during an exam. Plagiarism refers to presenting another person’s work as one’s own.

4. Use of mobile devices and social media

4.1. The distracting use of mobile devices in teaching situations is prohibited. 

Using social media during class is only allowed if it is part of the content of the lesson. Disseminating incorrect information and inappropriate messages about the educational institution or work placement facility and their personnel or fellow students is prohibited. There is an obligation of confidentiality for patient affairs during work placements, for other sensitive matters and for business secrets, also on social media. 

4.2. In teaching situations, recording video and audio requires permission from the teacher, workplace instructor, customers and fellow students. Photos or videos taken during class may not be published on the internet, on social media or in another public place without the subject’s permission.

5. Property and supplies

The educational institution’s property must be handled carefully. If any property gets damaged or lost, it must be immediately reported to a teacher or another member of personnel. The liability for damage to property is determined in accordance with the Tort Liability Act (412/74). The educational institution is not responsible for any property left at the educational institution’s premises. The educational institution will not replace lost or stolen learning supplies, workwear, tools or other personal belongings.

Students must take good care of the items and workwear given or lent to them by the educational institution. Workwear may only be worn outside the school area when conducting matters related to teaching or work tasks.  

6. Work safety and accidents

Students are obligated to comply with the guidelines on safety at work issued by the educational institution and teachers. 

If a student does not follow the safety guidelines, the teacher can remove the student from the facility. If a student does not have the equipment required by occupational safety and health, the teacher can remove the student from the classroom if necessary.  

Accidents and safety-related shortcomings must be immediately reported to a teacher or the nurse.  

7. Traffic rules and the use of vehicles in the educational institution’s outdoor area

Driving vehicles (cars, scooters, bikes, mopeds, motorcycles) unnecessarily is prohibited. 

Vehicles are parked and stored in designated places during the school day.

The outdoor premises of the educational institution are subject to traffic rules and any additional guidelines issued by the educational unit.

8. Alcohol, intoxicants, nicotine and tobacco products, dangerous objects and substances

8.1. It is strictly forbidden to possess, use and be under the influence of alcohol and intoxicants in the places of study and at the events of the educational institution.  

8.2. Any object or substance whose possession is prohibited by other legislation or which may endanger one’s safety or another person’s safety may not be brought to the educational institution or be in one’s possession during the workday. 

In addition, it is prohibited to bring to the educational institution any item or substance that could be used to damage property when there is no acceptable reason for possessing such an object. 

8.3. The Turku Vocational Institute is non-smoking. The use of nicotine and tobacco products is prohibited at the premises of the educational institution, in the immediate vicinity of the main gates and at the events of the educational institution. 

9. Violations of the code of conduct and safeguarding a safe learning environment

9.1. Students may be issued a written warning if they act fraudulently or otherwise disrupt order at the educational institution or another learning environment.

9.2. During the workday, teachers of the educational institution and the Head of Education have the right to inspect the items carried by students and, if necessary, confiscate dangerous items or substances if it is evident that a student possesses such objects and, despite request, refuses to hand them over or cannot reliably demonstrate that they possess no such items. These inspections comply with provisions of the Vocational Adult Education Act.  

9.3. The Head of Education or the teacher may order a student to leave if they disrupt teaching or behave violently or in a way that endangers the life and health of another person. The student may be ordered to leave the education provider’s event or a classroom or other space where instruction is provided for the remainder of a lesson. 

If a student refuses to leave despite being ordered to do so, the provisions laid down in the Vocational Adult Education Act apply.

If a student leaves the learning environment specified in the personal competence development plan without permission, the insurance cover for their studies does not apply.

Disciplinary measures are laid down in section 85 of the Vocational Adult Education Act

The Service Area Director has approved the code of conduct to be valid from 15th August 2023 onwards, replacing the code of conduct of 1 April 2022. The code of conduct is valid until further notice.