Tutustu Boren majoitusvaihtoehtoihin:
Kurkkaa mitä Borella on tänään lounaalla!
Meiltä löydät hytit niin yhdelle, kahdelle, kolmelle kuin neljälle henkilöllekin.
Borella on sulassa sovussa perinteikäs tunnelma ja ajanmukainen kokoustekniikka.
Café Navigare
Café Navigare is an inviting summer café on the back deck of the ship, with a view to the riverside landscape of the Aura River. The café serves fresh pastries, savoury snacks and refreshing beverages.
Navigare’s deck areas on both sides of the ship are used as a café terrace. They are also licenced areas for serving alcoholic drinks.
Cafe Navigare opens in summer 2025!
Contact Information and Arrival
S/S Bore is located on the shore of the Aura River, on Linnankatu. S/S Bore is easy to reach by both public transport and a car.
Book Online
Call Us
+358 (0) 40 8436611
Find Us
Linnankatu 72
20100 Turku