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Help and Support for Applying

Guidance and applying service

TAI’s Guidance and applying service is for you, whether you are employed, unemployed, a career changer, a young person or an adult. Guidance is free of charge and confidential.

You will receive personal guidance when you consider:

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment directly from the appointment calendar (telephone, Teams or face-to-face guidance) or contact by email, phone or WhatsApp.

Johanna Leskinen
guidance counsellor, vocational education and training
Appointment calendar: Johanna Leskinen (in Finnish), 040 186 5208

Maarit Vahti
guidance counsellor, joint application
Appointment calendar: Maarit Vahti (in Finnish), 044 907 3982

Ask more

If you want to ask questions and discuss in more detail the implementations of the degree programmes, student admissions, employment etc., please contact the guidance counsellor or team coordinator of the field directly.

You can find the contact details of guidance counsellors in different fields on our website Study counselling | Turku Vocational Institute Contact details of team coordinators on our website Team Coordinators | Turku Vocational Institute