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Internationality Path

Gather international expertise abroad or complete home internationalisation studies in Finland

You can participate in international activities in your home country or by going on an exchange. If you want to complete part of your studies abroad at a workplace or educational institution in your field, you can complete an optional internationalisation competence module in the exchange. You can complete the studies on internationalisation at home, for example, by tutoring TAI’s foreign guests or exchange students or by participating in an international cooperation project.

For more information on international studies, contact the international teacher of your school building or the international coordinator.

The exchange must be part of the studies – start by talking to your teacher

Start planning the exchange in an HOKS discussion with your teacher in charge. Discuss when it would be a good time to go on an exchange. An international work placement is usually suitable for the end of your studies when you have already demonstrated your competence in domestic workplaces.

Decide with the teacher whether to complete the module Working in international positions during the mobility period or whether the exchange belongs to another vocational unit suitable for the exchange. Record the exchange plan in your Personal competence development plan (HOKS). Remember that you can change your personal competence development plan several times during your studies.

Before the exchange, also agree with the teacher on the methods of completing the studies, keeping in touch with the teacher supervising the period during the exchange, and on the assessments. You can also ask your language teachers about suitable university studies.

You can apply for an exchange if

Studying for a mobility period (1 competence point) is a compulsory coaching programme for those taking an exchange

All students who receive a scholarship from TAI for the exchange will participate in a compulsory training course.

You can also complete studies on working in an international working environment (15 competence points) and Home internationality (2 competence points). Ask for more information.

Working in an international working environment (15 competence points)

Includes: Preparing to work in an international working environment, Interaction in an international working environment, Working in an international environment, utilising and sharing international competence.

Internationalisation at home, optional area (2 competence points)

Internationalisation at home is a good way to increase one’s own internationalisation and cultural competence in Finland. The completion of the area is always agreed upon with the teacher. The area cannot be selected and completed at any time, but must always be tied to a suitable project, international event or visit.aina sitoa sopivaan projektiin, kansainväliseen tapahtumaan tai vierailuun.